Swimming Assessments
Chúng tôi là nhà cung cấp hàng đầu về An toàn dưới nước và Bơi lội. Với một loạt các khóa học, hỗ trợ và tài nguyên sẵn có.
Prior to participants engaging in the Outback Lifesaver program, it is essential they complete a swimming assessment. This process ensures the participants engaging in the program obtain the skills & competence required to actively be involved, in a safe and fun environment.
Safety is a key priority within the Outback Lifesaver program. The swimming assessment is part of the process to achieve this priority and reduce risk.
Royal Life Saving NSW | ACT | TAS has provided a Swimming Assessment criteria per age group as a guide, which is developed from the National Swimming & Water Safety Framework.If participants are below their relevant age group criteria, it is recommended for them to participate in the Outback Lifesaver program once their skill level meets the age group criteria.
Comfortably float/tread water with an aid for 30 seconds
Swim continuously for 10m (any stroke)
Safely enter and exit the water
Comfortably float/tread water for 30 seconds
Swim continuously for 15m (any stroke)
Safely enter and exit the water
Comfortably float/tread/scull for 1 minute
Swim continuously for 25m (any stroke)
Safely enter and exit the water
Before you Register
The Outback Lifesaver Swimming Assessment is required for all children to complete before the program start date. This proficiency test is designed to identify the child’s swimming ability to ensure safety in the aquatic environment.
Please note, you have TWO options for the proficiency test, please only complete ONE of the below:
Option 1 - Attend a Proficiency Testing Date in your area (refer to table below)
Option 2 - Complete and Return the Swim School Proficiency Form
This form must be completed by an accredited Swim Teacher or squad coach and returned to lifesavers@royalnsw.com.au
Outback Lifesaver Swim Assessments 2023
Scone Memorial Pool
Sunday 8th Jan (12pm) & Monday 9th Jan (12pm)
Wagga Wagga
Oasis Aquatic Centre
Wednesday 11th Jan (11am) & Thursday 12th Jan (11am)
Inverell Pool
Saturday 7th January (10am) & Sunday 8th Jan (10am)
Launceston Aquatic Centre
Wednesday 11th January 10am