RLSACT recently delivered an inland waterways safety session to program participants of the Migrant and Refugee Swimming Project as part of ongoing support to deliver swimming lessons and education to culturally diverse communities.

Images feature the water safety session with participants learning CPR.
The project, led by a dedicated team in honour of their friend, Najeeb Rafee, who tragically drowned in a Canberra river in 2020, has made strong connections and headway by collaborating with YMCANSW for lesson delivery and the ACT Government for funding.
The funded swimming lesson program is in the pilot stage, with RLSACT offering advice, mentoring and endorsement for the fundraising campaign, with hopes to ensure the sustainability of the program into the future.
“Royal Life Saving ACT is overwhelmed by the community response to this program which has grown out of the commitment and efforts of the volunteers and community members behind The Migrant and Refugee Swimming Project. We will continue to support them in whatever way we can,” said Cherry Bailey | General Manager, People & Culture.
Watch the full story about the project on ABC News:
You can follow the project on their Facebook page and donate today: Refugee & Migrant Swimming Project | Facebook or email rmsp@outlook.com.au for more details.
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