Our dedicated northern office team has been hard at work ensuring safety sessions are held as planned and helping the surrounding community with flood relief efforts and support.
Aquatic centres on the Tweed Coast, Northern Rivers, Byron Shire and Richmond River were all affected by recent flooding with some still not open.

Key activities and support held in the area recently included:
Loaned CPR and First Aid training equipment to Trinity Catholic College so students and staff could continue with planned sessions at an alternative venue.
Donation of First Aid kits and supplies to Community Hub in Coraki.
Walgett High School – Indigenous students participated in a one-day program including the perform basic water online course as well as lifesaving sessions at the local pool.
Students from Uralla and Bundarra Central Schools participated in a similar program, a NSW Youth Week initiative with an energetic and motivated group.
“The recent NSW Youth Week program had keen participants, with morning tea, lunch and a “show bag” of useful information and vouchers aimed at their age group provided as part of the funding, we were also able to provide Royal Life Saving hats that proved to be popular,” said Jason Phillips, RLS NSW Northern Regional Manager.

Our Northern office has received generous donations and calls to support in any way they can, with suppliers ordering clothing on behalf of flood-affected aquatic centres.
Contact our Northern office via email: northern@royalnsw.com.au or call (02) 6651 6266 for more information and how to help.