Produced in collaboration with Rainbow Club, Royal Life Saving is delighted to launch the latest specialisation course in our Swim Teacher series during National Autism Week.
The “All Abilities” course focuses on allowing Swim Teachers to teach swimming and water safety skills effectively and safely to students living with special needs and disabilities, and how to best support them in an aquatic environment.
This course allows more opportunities for Aquatic facilities and pools to plan and engage lessons to families and organisations and create an inclusive learning experience.
“The All Abilities course is an important step in the Swim Teachers development that permits them to further their qualifications and position themselves to teach students who may require more specific needs. This additional qualification allows Royal Life Saving to support the development of swimming and water safety skills for students of all abilities, increasing the accessibility to swimming for all members of our community,” said Penny Hodgers, RLSNSW Operations General Manager.
Thank you to Rainbow Club for assisting Royal Life Saving in the development of the online learning modules and providing images to support the course.
Learn more about the course and requirements in our training hub, and how to register online:
Any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at | or contact us.