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Gus Worland to join Mental Health webinar

Gus Worland - Media Personality, Co-Host of Triple M's Dead Set Legends program, will join the free webinar being offered by Royal Life Saving later this month.

So many in our Industry have been affected by the current Lockdowns. Extended weeks with no work, facilities closed and no apparent end in sight challenges even the strongest of people. Now, more than ever, we need to connect with our peers and check in on each other to see how we are all coping.

“I want a society where everyone has a Gotcha4Life Mate. That go-to person you can open up to and rely on about anything. A world where we can seek help when life gets challenging, where we can build open and honest relationships and feel comfortable expressing ourselves, no matter what. So no one has to worry alone”

Gus Worland, Founder

This webinar will provide our attendees with some fantastic tools to apply to their own personal lives, as well as to provide support to their colleagues, friends and family.


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