Excellence in Access and Inclusion
Royal Life Saving Awards Gala
This Award recognises individuals or organisations who have made a difference or innovativeapproach to Inclusion for people with different abilities, the LGBTQIA+ community or otherunderrepresented groups within a swimming, lifesaving or drowning prevention context. Thismay be a one-off or ongoing program/service.
Award Criteria
For entry into this category submissions should answer the following:
Inclusive Programs and Services: Describe how the nominee has developed orimplemented programs and services that are inclusive. Provide examples of specificinitiatives designed to meet the unique needs of these groups.
Accessibility Enhancements: Detail any enhancements or modifications made to facilities,programs, or services to improve accessibility. Explain how these changes have facilitatedgreater participation and inclusion.
Advocacy and Support: Illustrate how the nominee has advocated for the inclusion andsupport of specialised groups within the aquatic community. Highlight any partnerships orcollaborations with organisations made in this process.
Challenges and Solutions: Identify the specific barriers faced in creating inclusiveenvironments for specialised groups. Explain the strategies and solutions the nominee hasimplemented to overcome these challenges.
Impact and Outcomes: Provide evidence of the positive impact and outcomes of thenominee’s inclusion initiatives on specialised groups. Include any data that demonstrates theeffectiveness of these effort.
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