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Welcome to the Royal Life Saving Cultural Competence Module.


Each year a number of people from our diverse communities drown.  Tragically, 79% of drownings from our diverse communities were identified as poor or non-swimmers. To bring about effective change we need to engage our communities with viable and effective solutions.


The Benefits for Pools and Staff

This program brings about a consistent, modern approach to cultural engagement. In doing so, diversity and inclusion can be turned into a competitive advantage. It assists in bringing about stronger governance obligations, community service obligations via the promotion of social cohesion through fostering a better understanding of diverse culture needs.


Individuals doing the program will gain practical skills and cultural specific knowledge for use in the workplace and everyday life. By improving verbal and non-verbal communication, individuals and managers will be better able to address diverse workforces and customers leading to more positive community encounters.


Employees (and management) will be able to promote and provide a more inclusive and socially responsible environment….one that welcomes people from all cultures and backgrounds. A place worth visiting and telling friends and family about…a great community asset.

Cultural Competence


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