2월 14일 (화)
|Balance Collective - Mayfield
Lifesaving Refresher 60+ Balance Collective Mayfield
Royal Life Saving NSW is hosting free CPR awareness sessions at multiple sites for anyone 60 years or over.
시간 및 장소
2023년 2월 14일 오전 11:30 – 오후 12:30
Balance Collective - Mayfield, Corner Industrial Drive &, William St, Mayfield NSW 2304, Australia
이벤트 소개
The awareness sessions aim to refresh/teach seniors how to respond to an emergency situation through providing Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). In most emergency situations, a family member is often first on the scene. Knowing how to respond is crucial to ensuring preservation of life.
Royal Life Saving NSW believe that everyone can be a lifesaver. This program is designed to empower seniors to know that they can save a life, no matter their age. Participants will receive some take home resources such as a CPR magnet and face shield key ring.
Bookings can be made via the link above or by contacting Royal Life Saving Hunter Region on 4929 5600.
CPR Awareness Session
*이벤트 티켓이 매진되었습니다.