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Commonwealth Honours & Awards

Per le scuole e le strutture acquatiche, è uno dei migliori strumenti che puoi avere per mantenere i bambini in acqua più a lungo. Alcuni dei principali vantaggi del programma includono: 

  • Risorse di pianificazione e programma dedicate per adattarsi alla tua struttura

  • Programma di formazione e coaching per insegnanti di nuoto

  • Materiale promozionale e supporto al programma

  • Collegamenti diretti a percorsi ricreativi e competitivi tra cui l'Australian Lifesaving Team e l'Australian Youth Lifesaving Team

New South Wales Honours


All nominations must be made on the appropriate form with a written citation attached, and submitted to Royal Life Saving NSW/ACT/TAS, who will endorse the application before it is forwarded to the National Office for consideration.


A nomination can be made at any time, however the Australian Honours committee, meet twice a year and a call for nominations and made approximately one month prior to the meeting.


In considering candidates for these awards, the level and length of performance and the quality of the service rendered are the necessary and key components to be reviewed and considered before any Honour or Award may be granted.


Other criteria such as contributions, membership, council or committee involvement, etc. are important factors and these may play a role in determining the candidate’s eligibility and the level of the Honour awarded.


Royal Life Saving è attivo in tutte le comunità. I nostri membri, volontari, formatori, dipendenti e salvavita si trovano in quasi tutte le comunità.

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