Industry Leader of the Year
Royal Life Saving Awards Gala
The Industry Leader of the Year award recognises an outstanding individual who hasdemonstrated exemplary leadership, innovation, and dedication within the aquatic industry.This prestigious award celebrates those who have made significant contributions to theirorganisation, advocated for water safety and drowning prevention, and inspired others throughtheir commitment to excellence and education.
Award Criteria
For entry into this category submissions should answer the following:
Leadership and Positive Work Environment: Provide evidence of initiatives or practicesyou have implemented that have improved team morale and productivity.
Advocacy for Water Safety and Drowning Prevention: Detail your efforts in promoting forwater safety and drowning prevention within the community and industry. Include specificcampaigns, programs, or partnerships. Explain the impact of your advocacy work on raisingawareness and promoting water safety practices.
Contribution to the Aquatic Industry/Facility Mangement: Highlight your significantcontributions to the aquatic industry and/or aquatic facility. This could include innovativeprojects, leadership roles, or industry recognition. Provide examples of how you haveinfluenced or advanced the industry/aquatic through your work.
Knowledge Sharing and Education: Detail how you have shared your knowledge andexpertise to educate the next generation of aquatic professionals. This could includementoring, training programs, or public speaking engagements. Provide examples of theimpact your educational efforts have had on individuals or the community.
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