Excellence in Innovation
Royal Life Saving Awards Gala
Celebrating innovative solutions, technologies, or methodologies that have significantlyadvanced the field of drowning prevention, the aquatic industry or aquatic safety,demonstrating creativity and impact.
Award Criteria
For entry into this category submissions should answer the following:
Innovative Solutions or Technologies: Describe the innovative solutions, technologies,or methodologies you have developed or implemented. Provide specific examples ofthese innovations and the outcomes they have achieved.
Impact on Drowning Prevention or Aquatic Safety: Detail the impact of yourinnovations on drowning prevention, the aquatic industry, or aquatic safety. Includemeasurable outcomes and evidence of how these innovations have contributed toimproved safety and prevention efforts.
Creativity and Implementation: Explain the creative process behind your innovations,including the inspiration, research, and development phases. Describe how theseinnovations were implemented, and highlight any challenges faced during the processand how they were overcome.
Sustainability and Scalability: Describe the sustainability of your innovations and theirpotential for scalability. Explain how your innovative solutions can be maintained overtime and adapted or expanded to benefit a larger audience or broader range ofapplications.
Your Details
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