Royal Life Saving NSW awarded Commendations to 21 outstanding NSW Police Officers for life saving efforts on Friday November 3rd at Sydney Police Centre.
The commendations were be presented by NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Peter Thurtell, and Royal Life Saving NSW President Jim Whiteside, in recognition of the officers’ initiative and empathy in applying lifesaving skills in emergency situations.
Mr Whiteside said the recipients demonstrated selfless responses and quick-thinking action in rescue, attempted rescue, resuscitative or first aid efforts.
“The award recipients not only called on their first aid and CPR training, their quick thinking and calm approach enabled by-standers to assist in the rescue efforts, embodying Royal Life Saving’s vision for a community equipped with the skills to support one another,” Mr Whiteside said.

Among the recipients, Inspector Ben McIntyre, who was nominated by the family of then 17-year-old footballer Cooper Sinclair, who suffered a cardiac arrest. Together with Cooper’s mother, Leonie, Inspector McIntyre has become a strong advocate of community-wide CPR and first aid training. Inspector McIntyre provided a recount of the events on a recent NSW Police podcast listen to the full story here.
Royal Life Saving congratulates these worthy recipients for their outstanding service and commitment to the community. Commendation awards are open to all members of the community, and we welcome nominations for consideration at any time. The next Commendation ceremony will be held in Government House on Thursday 3rd February 2023.