Outback Lifesavers

Outback Lifesaver has been developed to provide children in and across our regional / remote areas and communities, living near inland waterways, with an active aquatic participation experience. It presents a unique opportunity for young lifesavers to develop their skills and understanding of safety around water, particularly inland waterways and local pools – plus a whole lot of fun!
The Outback Lifesaver program is facilitated by swim teachers, coaches and managers to ensure the safety and protection of children in the program. Safety is paramount! All activities and environmental issues (including water conditions and weather) will be constantly reviewed.
The Outback Lifesaver program is flexible and enables a range of delivery models to meet participant needs, local conditions and requirements. This includes local land manager / operator requirements and obligations. Outback Lifesavers is all about active fun! The skills and experiences gained in the program provide for future generations of community lifesavers.

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