A Day at the River - Georges River Water Safety Day
السبت، 03 يونيو
|Angle Park
Learn all about water safety and how to have fun in your local water ways! Bookings are essential! All children under 14 years require parental supervision on the day.

الوقت والموقع
03 يونيو 2023، 9:30 ص – 1:00 م غرينتش+10
Angle Park , Chipping Norton NSW 2170, Australia
نبذة عن الحدث
A Day at the River is a family-orientated event providing participants with practical water safety skills for local community members to enjoy our inland waterways. This event is supported by Surf Life Saving NSW and Belgravia Leisure and is funded by the Australian Government as part of the Inland Communities water safety funding.
Event Schedule:
9:30am – 10:00am Registrations
10:00am -10:15 am Welcome, Acknowledgment to Country, introduction, and housekeeping
10:15am – 12:00pm
Activity and practical stations
- Inland water way safety information
- Dryland rescues
- How to use and wear a Lifejacket properly
- CPR awareness training
- Surf Life Saving NSW Beach Safety and Rock Fishing information stall
12:00pm- 1:00pm Lunch
Note: All activities as part of this event are dry land based.
Parking/ Transport information:
Free parking is available onsite at Angle Park, along with street parking for overflow.
The nearest railway station is Liverpool train station, take bus 903 from Liverpool train station to Bent St which is located close to Ascot Drive and walk for approximately 6 minutes to the park. For details on planning your trip, visit Transport NSW or call 131 500.
٠٫٠٠ AU$مباع بالكامل
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