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Accredited Bronze Medallion

Accredited Bronze Medallion


Royal Life Saving Bronze Medallion is a nationally recognised course that focuses on developing the participants’ survival and rescue skills enabling them to make the correct decisions in an aquatic emergency. The Bronze Medallion course will enhance your personal survival skills while providing you with the knowledge and skills to develop the level of judgement‚ technique and physical ability required to safely perform water rescues.

This course will additionally cover the skills and knowledge required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines.

The lifesaving skills learnt and developed through this course are a great introduction to becoming a Pool Lifeguard or Swimming Instructor.

Please note: Royal Life Saving Society NSW is not a CRICOS provider; it is unable to provide national training to overseas students holding a student visa.

Delivery Mode

This course requires the completion of online modules prior to attendance at the course. Only those who have completed the online modules in full will be able to attend the practical component of this course.


The course covers a range of water safety topics including safe water practices; survival in the water; self-preservation; recognising an emergency; assessment before and during a rescue; priorities for rescue; acceptance of responsibility; use of bystanders; emergency care; and contacting emergency services.

The amount of training is approximately 9 hours, comprising of:

·        Online learning and assessment: 3 hours

·        Face-to-Face assessment: 6 hours



While there are no prerequisites to enrol into this course, candidates are required to have proficient swimming skills including the ability to perform survival strokes such as lifesaving backstroke and sidestroke.

In addition, practical application of Resuscitation and other practical scenarios that will require kneeling on the floor. To achieve HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation Statement of Attainment‚ candidates must successfully complete the practical components under the award conditions.

Age Requirement

Participants wishing to complete this training are to be 14 years of age or turning 14 in the calendar within which the course is to be held.


The Royal Life Saving Bronze Medallion course contains a unit of competency which are nationally recognised from the SIS Sport, Fitness and Recreation and HLT Health Training package. Upon successful completion of all assessment requirements, candidates will be issued a Statement of Attainment for the following units:

·        SISCAQU020 - Perform water rescues

·        HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

How to Enrol

To locate and book into an assessment date, click the link below:

NSW Training Calendar

ACT Training Calendar

TAS Training Calendar

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ABN:  73 000 580 825

34/10 Gladstone Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154

PO Box 8307, Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153

Telephone: 02 9634 3700

Email: nsw@royalnsw.com.au

RTO 90666 - Royal Life Saving Society of Australia (New South Wales Branch)

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Royal Life Saving would like to acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of our land - Australia. In particular the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation who are the Traditional Custodians of this place we now call Sydney and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and future.

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