Excellence in Cultural Diversity
Royal Life Saving Awards Gala
This Award recognises individuals or organisations who have made a difference or innovativeapproach to culturally diverse communities within a swimming, lifesaving or drowningprevention context. This may be a one-off or ongoing initiative/program.
Award Criteria
For entry into this category submissions should answer the following:
Community Engagement and Outreach: Describe how the nominee has engaged withCulturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) or Indigenous communities to promote watersafety. Provide examples of outreach programs, partnerships, or community eventsspecifically targeting these groups.
Culturally Sensitive Programs and Initiatives: Detail any culturally sensitive programs orinitiatives the nominee has developed or implemented. Explain how these programs havebeen tailored to meet the needs and preferences of the community they are engaging with.Provide evidence of the success and impact of these programs.
Education and Awareness: Illustrate how the nominee has contributed to increasingeducation and awareness about water safety within CALD or Indigenous communities.Alternatively, detail any cultural awareness training implemented for staff about thecommunity/ies they are engaging. Highlight any innovative approaches used to effectivelycommunicate these messages.
Challenges and Solutions: Identify the specific challenges faced in engaging with thesecommunities in water safety initiatives. Explain the strategies and solutions the nominee hasimplemented to overcome these challenges.
Impact and Outcomes: Provide evidence of the positive impact and outcomes of thenominee’s initiatives on their communities. Include testimonials, feedback, or data thatdemonstrates the effectiveness of these efforts.
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