Royal Life Saving are pleased to announce the launch of their brand-new in-service training resources. The In-service training kit has been designed to offer facilities a guide template for the delivery and documentation of their in-service training.
We have developed a package that has all the documentation and training plans required to not only carry out these sessions but also cover all auditing requirements related to documenting in-service training.

The kit is designed to take the guess work out of your in-house training. To implement the training, it is as easy as following the instructions in the In-service training records spreadsheet on the processes leading up to, conducting and following each training session.
This package is for facilities that don’t have a clear structure to their training or just need some ideas or help.
The Training package includes:
Training record spreadsheet
4 x Training agenda (includes session plan, attendance sheet, minutes guide)
Training calendar
Sample scenarios for all components
Video links and documents for exercise guidance
Equipment list
The resources are freely available to all register site members. If you are not yet a member on our website, you will be prompted to create a log in and you can then access the resources.
Click here to view the Training Resource Kit