मेरा वस्तुहरू
म एक शीर्षक हुँ। मलाई सम्पादन गर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस्।
Pool Lifesaving Season Launch
Join us for the Pool Lifesaving Season Launch, a fantastic opportunity to gear up for the season ahead!
Drowning Prevention Annual Charity Golf Day
Get your team together for the Royal Life Saving NSW Annual Charity Golf Day! Your support helps support our drowning prevention strategies and programs.
Connecting Seniors: Water Safety and Lifesaving Refresher- Kurri Kurri
Join Royal Life Saving NSW and Kurri Kurri Aquatic and Fitness Centre to connect with likeminded seniors and make a splash back into aquatic activity and refresh your lifesaving skills.
To be eligible for this free program you must be 65 years or older or 50 years plus if Aboriginal or TSI.
Connecting Seniors: Water Safety and Lifesaving Refresher- Toronto
Join Royal Life Saving NSW and Toronto Swim Centre to connect with likeminded seniors and make a splash back into aquatic activity and refresh your lifesaving skills.
To be eligible for this free program you must be 65 years or older or 50 years plus if Aboriginal or TSI.
Aquatic Industry Swimposium Breakfast
Join us for our inaugural Aquatic Industry Swimposium Breakfast - Workforce Development and Leadership, the first event in our six-part summer series, where we will address pressing issues and trends within the aquatic industry.
Royal Life Saving Leadership Course - Facility Leaders
Through a journey of self discovery this program will challenge and inspire participants as they reflect on the many skills that turn individuals from being managed to emerging leaders that manage and lead others.
Royal Life Saving Leadership Course - Facility Leaders
Through a journey of self discovery this program will challenge and inspire participants as they reflect on the many skills that turn individuals from being managed to emerging leaders that manage and lead others.
Royal Life Saving Leadership Course - Aquatic Team Leaders
Looking to step into a leadership role? The Aquatic Team Leader program will provide a wide spectrum of topics around supervising people and teams in this exciting new Leadership course delivered over 2 days.
Drowning Prevention Annual Charity Golf Day
Get your team together for the Royal Life Saving NSW Annual Charity Golf Day! Your support helps support our drowning prevention strategies and programs.
Seniors Lifesaving Skills Refresher - Hawkesbury
Are you prepared to be a lifesaver in an emergency? Join us for a Seniors Lifesaving Refreshers Program.
रोयल लाइफ सेभिङ लिडरशिप कोर्स - एक्वाटिक टीम लिडरहरू
नेतृत्वको भूमिकामा जान खोज्दै हुनुहुन्छ? Aquatic Team Leader कार्यक्रमले 2 दिनमा डेलिभर गरिएको यो रोमाञ्चक नयाँ नेतृत्व पाठ्यक्रममा व्यक्ति र टोलीहरूको पर्यवेक्षण गर्ने विषयहरूको विस्तृत स्पेक्ट्रम प्रदान गर्नेछ।
Seniors Lifesaving Skills Refresher - Hawkesbury
Are you prepared to be a lifesaver in an emergency? Join us for a Seniors Lifesaving Refreshers Program.